I knew when I decided to publicly share my weight loss struggles and surgery with the world I would face scrutiny, judgement, and ignorance. Being unaware of the process in the beginning I also had a lot of misunderstandings. It was worth it to me to be open and clear up some of these misconceptions as well keep myself accountable through this process despite these judgements. 

Yesterday, I did a speech that I’ve been working on that discusses the importance of celebrating small victories. I never appreciated the little amounts of weight I lost especially when I had a lot to lose. I had to channel Dr. Suess and remember:

The speech went over well and it’s part of a larger passion project that I’m working on. Today, I received an email from one of the women who heard the speech. She said that she felt I was being dishonest because I didn’t mention my surgery when discussing my weight loss. She said, 

“It’s insincere and really dishonest not to say anything because people will believe that you worked out, ate right and actually worked for your weight loss.” 

First things first.  In reality, the speech wasn’t even about my weight loss it was about progress. That aside, I need to make something extremely clear. 

This is work. 

Losing weight is work. 

I don’t care how you do it, it’s going to be hard. 

Surgery is a tool that allows your body to take a break while you get your brain together. You don’t just have surgery and go about your life. You can’t just eat whatever you want and not work out. 

As with any means of losing weight, you have to earn it. Eating well, taking your vitamins, getting enough water, and moving your body are essential for long term weight loss success. 

So many people feel that weight loss surgery is cheating or the easy way out. I bet if you ask any person who has had any type of weight loss surgery 100% will tell you the surgery was the easy part. Learning to live your life after surgery is where the work begins. Trust me when I tell you that losing 250 lbs took a whole lot of prayer, discipline, determination, effort, and will. It’s the hardest work I’ve ever done. 

That’s honest and sincere. 


18 Responses

  1. I am sorry you have to go through this and the comments that people say. I am heavy as well, me personally, weight loss surgery is not an option for me. However, I respect anyone that goes ahead of it. What people don’t know is long before you have the surgery you need to have proper education and even lose some weight before they do it to you. Having the surgery doesnt mean that it will work if you dont apply what you learn. Don’t worry about what others say or do. Just be you! Wishing you the best! Can’t wait to read more of your blog. -Bruce

    • Thank you for your comments. Many people have very misinformed opinions of weight and all methods of weight loss including surgery. It’s nice to see that some people really do understand the level of work and determination involved!

  2. Hats off to you! Not just for losing the weight, but for fielding sniffy comments like the one you shared with us without becoming bitter. Silly woman sounds like a thin person, to me, who has never had to lose more than five pounds in her whole life 🙂 Now, shame on me for being judgmental of her! I have a dear friend who has been on the same journey you are, and I’m going to share your blog site with her. I think it will help her. She’s achieved her goal, but has hit a wall of depression now. I hear that’s not unusual, but still, it’s hard.

    • Thank you! The comments come from all types of people. I know in my heart it’s a level of ignorance of the process and that’s what drives this blog. Please share with your friend. The support from others who have lived this experience is like gold for me. It’s a unique life experience and we learn so much from each other. She can also contact me privately through my Facebook page which is on this page as well. Thank you!!

  3. Hi Regina, Thank you for your heart felt post. Your doing great and you have such a motivational outlook.

    I hold my hands up, I was ignorant and uneducated when it came to weight loss surgery. Every time I heard someone say that they had or were going through WLS I would instantly judge their will power, thinking, ” so you don’t have the will power to do it yourself” or the dreaded ” your taking the easy route aren’t you” . I feel ashamed that I was quick to judge because I thought I could do it through exercise and eating right… yeah right, it’t not that simple. Dropping the weight yeah, given that can be easy(ish) for a couple of months or so but realistically it isn’t easy maintaining the weight loss especially if nothing is being done to tackle your mental state and, the reasons why a person turns to food to combat emotional stress or trauma. When you touched on a bit about giving your body a break while your mind is being worked on, that really hit home for me.

    Anyhow, I am reformed, I spent all of my life trying to get to a healthy weight in order to live comfortably in my own skin and body. I reached a point where I couldn’t put on my shoes or sit down without my stomach knocking the air out of my lungs, but the real turning point for me was when I was struggling to wipe after going to the bathroom, just being brutally honest here, this was becoming my life.

    WLS was recommended by my doctor and after months and months of research I now know that anyone that goes through the surgery is one heck of a brave individual. There is so much work involved in this journey. Hats off to you and all the brave individuals who choose life.

    Love Louise

  4. I agree with you about how people feel like people who has this surgery took the easier way out and really negative about the surgery. I am one of those people who will pop an attitude real quick if you tell me I took the easy way out. I will go off and not apologize to someone who is so misinformed about such a dangerous surgery. The surgery is the easy part. The hard part is keeping the weight and not regaining any back. Great post. I love it!

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